I usually only do reviews for companies and people who provide either amazing service or provide horrendous service. I had the pleasure of meeting with Mary Jane Murphy and talking with her about a family court case. I swear she reminded me of one of those lawyers out of a movie who actually cared about people. She was not trying to get billable hours for a firm, but she was actually trying to do good for good people.
Lawyers like her dont have the revenues to advertise, lawyers like her dont get appointed to positions, lawyers like her.... do the right thing, and they stay humble, and they work long hours and they work hard for their clients. They might not be rich based on bank accounts but I can tell you that they leave behind a legacy of people whose lives are better for knowing them.
If you think this review is over the top let me explain to you about me:
I started a hashtag "starvethelawyers" because almost every lawyer I have met (and I have met lawyers across the country and around the world) have been people who at times make me physically ill. They actually will repeat the lies of their clients, they have very little ethics, they make back room deals.
Most lawyers write letters so they can bill in 6 minute increments over and over again.
Most lawyers feed off of animosity and anger.
The few real lawyers left in the world are counselors trying to solve the problems of their clients in the most cost effective manner possible.
The few good lawyers out there will pick up the phone and solve a matter in 15 minutes, instead of spending hours writing letters and dragging things on for months...
Mary Jane Murphy is one of the good ones, and I know this because she helped me and my child personally. I cannot recommend her enough and if you need help and want real advice and real service from a real person - call her.
Help support the good people in the world and help get rid of the large firms who have destroyed the good name of lawyers and have ruined our legal system.
Mary Jane Murphy,
81 State Street, Suite 508,
Binghamton, NY 13901
(607) 722-7200