Wednesday, August 26, 2009

MIT Personas

Enter your name, and Personas scours the web for information and attempts to characterize the person - to fit them to a predetermined set of categories that an algorithmic process created from a massive corpus of data. The computational process is visualized with each stage of the analysis, finally resulting in the presentation of a seemingly authoritative personal profile.

I orginally came across this through a post at Tech Crunch: 

I use my full name and also my nickname so I ran it twice and here are the results:

Personas - MIT - Antoine Loup

Personas - MIT - Tony Loup

Virgin Listens

I flew back from London a few weeks ago on a Virgin Atlantic flight. As we were flying I was taking photos out of the window. I noticed there seemed to be something flapping near the wing.

I zoomed in and took as many photos as I could. Once the plane landed (it wasn't much longer after I took the photos), I talked with some of the staff. The flight attendant asked me to speak with the captain, who then wanted me to show the picture to the engineer. I waited for the engineer to arrive, showed him the photos, and told him where I was sitting.

They all seemed very interested and even while I was waiting to go through customs, the pilot, stopped and said thanks again.

I hope it was nothing serious, but at least they all took the time to listen and seemed genuinely concerned. That was good customer service.

Photo from inside a plane

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dear Dell, What Happened?

Dear Dell Gold Team,

What happened? We had such a good relationship at one time. I called you yesterday, but you wouldn't answer, why are you screening my calls? I sent you an email, but you didn't reply.

I found a number you gave me and called again this morning, and the operator tried to give me the run around. I used a different number and the person who answered said they could not open the record of our relationship. Have you blocked me out completely?

That person said I should call you directly. I did. It breaks my heart when I leave you messages and you don't call back.

Is it me? Was I too needy? If you sell me just one more laptop I promise I won't call you again. I know you are busy and are involved with a lot of people (they told me you were too busy for a serious relationship), but I thought we had something special. I guess I was wrong. I will always cherish the good times we had. I hope you all the best in your future.

Sincerely disappointed,

-your customer


It has been at least twenty four hours, four phone calls, three voice messages, and one email and I still cannot purchase a laptop from Dell.... I guess this dude doesn't get it.


So I just got a call from Dell, they say they changed the email address, the girl who called didn't ask for a customer number or anything, but also said she would send a quote over to me immediately. The strange part was we did not talk at all about anything other then me giving her a model number. So I am wondering if I will have to call her back and ask her to revise anything and talk about shipping since I need it ASAP? It will be great to find out if they actually changed any of the information they had wrong also.


As I suspected, I had to contact them again, this time through email with the girl who provided the quote, we did have change a few things and fix the shipping. I will admit - it arrived the day they said they were going to send it, so that was nice.